Oct 5, 2008

加拿大-1: I have a date!

I have a date!

I have a date with Victoria
The most beautiful town, they said!
There will be ferry, gardens and boutique shops street
The air will be fresh and everything will be romantic

I have a date with Rockie
The Canadian Rockie, they said!
There will be mountains, rivers, ice fields and lakes
The sky will be blue and the sun will shinning

I have a date with Vancouver
The most pleasant city, they said!
There will be museums, parks and trees turning to red
The food will be nice and the city will be beautiful

I have always wanted to see Canada,
in a season that is cool and colorful
I had pack my books, cloths, shoes and music
even a cute new ePC to be my companion
and a nervous heart that hopes
everything will be as wonderful as I plan!

想了很久的長假期,終於選擇了去加拿大。現在正是看楓葉的季節,還有嚮往了很久的洛磯山脈美麗景色。從出發前的一個月,開始研究和計畫行程細節就很讓人心情雀躍,而越接近度假的時間,心情也就越興奮。這個假期將從溫哥華旁的美麗小鎮Victoria 浪漫的緩慢開始,然後是四天三夜的洛磯山脈湖光山色旅遊團,之後回到溫哥華慢慢的漫遊, 好好的體驗秋的美麗。

Chapter I: Sweet, Sweet Victoria

呀! 真的像書上寫的一樣耶,從機場坐上的巴士開進了渡輪,一個半小時後渡輪到達了對岸之後,巴士再載著乘客下了渡輪開到Victoria 鎮。這真是個會令人一眼就愛上的小鎮,行程趕的觀光客頂多在這只住一晚,我卻選擇在這裡住上三個晚上,以緩慢的步調體驗小鎮的美麗和浪漫。

小鎮裡有優雅、古典的Empress Hotel 和 Parliament Building 建築,一個有著不錯加拿大近代史收藏的博物館;多條精緻可愛的商店、餐廳街;許多街頭藝人的內港港口;還有一個超級美麗且知名的Butchart Gardens。還在調時差的時候以緩慢悠閒的方式在這個小鎮裡度過真是再適合也不過了。晴朗的天氣、宜人的溫度,美味的海鮮美食、美麗的景色再加上一個美到不行了的花園,這個旅程有個超級完美的開始。

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