Feb 6, 2008

To be, or not to be!

There's no perfect place in this world!
Where couple lives happily ever after;
Love never fades;
Family never apart;
And wishes always come true!

There's no ideal place in this world!
Where human are treated all equal;
Man thinks the same as woman;
Wise does no different from the unwise;
And truth always reveal to those who seeks for it.

There's no hiding place in this world!
Where tear, anger, sorrow can all be kept away;
So day can be sunny, and night can be sweet and warm.

But I keep thinking…
There should be still Hope in this world?!
Where mistake can be corrected;
Success follows continuous trying;
Doubt will be changed by sincerity;
It's just To Be, or Not To Be!
It's in our hands, and we create our own destiny!

Jill. 2008.02.06

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